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Group Therapy

Group therapy offers a safe environment in which members establish a level of trust to talk openly, personally, and honestly. Under the direction of your group therapist, the group is able to give support, offer alternatives, and comfort other members. Group members are committed to maintaining confidentiality, which presents the opportunity to learn more about themselves, providing each other with new ways to deal with their problems and difficulties. It addresses feelings of isolation, improves interpersonal relationships, and enables members to learn from and with each other to make significant changes, enhancing the quality of their lives.

It's purpose is to provide members with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain abstinence successfully; providing a method of introspection, eliminating denial, and resulting in an awareness of the need for change.

These classes are for:

  • Individuals who lack direction, life skills or coping mechanisms.
  • Persons who have a familial history of substance abuse and/or personal, social or legal problems resulting from their alcohol or drug use.
  • Those who have a history of unsuccessful attempts to remain clean and sober.

Group meets weekly on Thursday evenings from 6 -7:30 pm for eight consecutive weeks. The fee is $35.00 per session.

Please call for additional information or to register for our next scheduled group 734-283-1721.

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